The RAD Torque Systems B-RAD is especially suitable for jobs where electricity or compressed air are not available. The number of cycles per battery is depending on stud length, lubrication, temperature and torque setting.
When the ability to read and display torque in real time matters, the B-RAD Battery Series torque wrench is the right choice. This lightweight torque wrench delivers unequaled versatility for applications where you don’t have access to electricity or compressed air. Powered by lithium-ion batteries, these tools are the first digital cordless torque wrenches on the market.
Beat the slump of loads shedding with the RAD Torque Systems B-RAD Battery tool.
The B-RAD comes with 2 batteries allowing for 8 hours of operation any where any time.
RAD torque Systems Africa the OEM supplier of
RAD torque Systems for the African continent.
Available across Africa at RAD Torque Systems Africa
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Phone: +44 (0)238 218 2185 / +27 (0)800 014 808